How does it work?
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Liquidity Request - The Borrower creates a Liquidity Request with custom parameters such as Collateral, Interest, Term, and type of asset to be borrowed.
The Borrower can cancel the request before it is funded.
Funding the request - The Lender can select a request using the integrated filters.
Liquidity Desposit - The Lender creates a Liquidity Deposit with custom parameters such as Collateral, Interest, Term, and type of asset on offer.
The Lender can cancel the Lender request before it is funded.
Finding a Borrower - Every Borrower can select a deposit to take using the integrated filters.
Interim period - The Borrower must return the loan + interest before the loan deadline. In the event of failure, the Lender can liquidate the loan and receive the Collateral as compensation.
Post-loan scenarios:
The Borrower successfully repays the loan, and the Lender claims his assets + accumulated interest.
The Borrower fails to repay the loan on time, and the Lender triggers a liquidation.
Every loan is secured by a Health Factor solution implemented to protect lenders against dramatic drops in collateral value. Whenever the Liquidation Threshold falls below 1.00, the Lender can manually liquidate the loan using the Liquidation Oracle.